Giant Leap Consulting posted the following in their newsletter:
During the winter months, our pace often slows down. If we look around us, nature seems to do it too. Animals hibernate, trees go bare, growth slows down and prepares for the warmth of Spring. Now is also an opportune time for organizations to consider what they want to achieve in the new year. What mark will you make? What innovation will you try? What risk will you take?
At Giant Leap, we believe in the value of planning. Our experience has helped us to develop a strong model for strategic planning and implementation. This month, we want to share some of those resources with you.
This message is an organizational version of what Gary Russoexperienced in the ‘winter’ of his life – and the actions he took lead to an incredible spring, summer and fall. Read how Gary transformed his life in Don’t Die with Your Song Unsung.
If your need is organizational, I suggest you check out Giant Leap Consulting. I highly recommend them.
Dr. Success Challenge: The challenge is to remember: What you begin in winter, determines how you spring into action and harvest your visions.
Thank you, Andrea Goeglein, PhD