Dr. Success Challenge: Today when you encounter someone you know, think through thoroughly how you first became acquainted with them, what connections were made because they came into your life, and how many things in your life are now connected because of that one meeting.
I have always been intrigued with the concept of how we are connected – especially in ways that you find out about after you know someone for a while. Many years ago when I developed my tree logo as a symbol of how ServingSuccess is about the tree of life and how to grow people, I also used an exercise in business meetings that got people thinking about how they were connected to others in their business circle. I had found that over time we lost track of how and why people came into our business lives (or any part of lives) and in losing track we also lost a sense of the magic of relationships, connections, and appreciation.
Reading When God Winks caused me to resurrect that activity in my own life and work. Then I was involved in the book launch of Be The Hero
by Noah Blumenthal and the mystery of how we are all connected became all to obvious yet again.
This is what my worksheet of some seemingly unconnected life events ended up being very, very connected over a 10 year period.
2000 Las Vegas. I met Mary Jane W. At the time she was a business associate of a client.
2001 Mary Jane’s husband is instrumental in the life-saving medical care my Dad received.
2003 Mary Jane attends one of my Positive Psychology Executive Women’s Groups.
2005 Mary Jane co-facilitates the next Executive Women’s Group with me. One of the members of that group, who Mary Jane attracted into the group, gives me a book, Shifting Sands, by Steve Donahue.
2008 I feature Shifting Sands on the second segment of Books that Matter on AM Arizona. The publisher of Shifting Sands
calls to thank me. The publisher puts me in touch with their author’s coop and I telephonically meet Noah Blumenthal. Later that year Noah asks me to review a draft copy of his upcoming book, Be The Hero.
2009 August: I write a testimonial for Be The Hero. The book is published.
December: I give a copy of Be the Hero to Mary Jane as a Christmas gift.
Mary Jane calls to tell me that she was shocked to see my testimonial for the book right below the daughter of a nursing school friend from Canada, where Mary Jane lived for some period.
2010 Mary Jane meets Noah at an author’s event in Las Vegas I organized. I have a telephonic meeting with Gwyn, the person who wrote that testimonial and who knew Noah and Mary Jane even though Noah and Mary Jane had never meet, were born in different countries, decades apart.
I find this really a fun exercise to play with. It helps me sit with the mystery of where does it all start and where is it all going.
Most of all I enjoy being reminded how, in some mysterious way, we are really all connected.
Happy Connecting,
Andrea T. Goeglein, Phd
Dr. Success™
1 866 975 3777
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