Every so often in my work I am given the opportunity to experience first hand why groups of people need to organize around a central mission that they value when they come together to achieve a goal. It does not matter if the group is a family, a small business, or a huge business or non-profit institution, at end of day even when you really don’t like who is in your group, if you agree on the central mission that joined you together in the first place, you will meet with success.
In the master group I participate in, we have a question which we ask when we are stuck and maybe in shock, at how screwed up people, places or things appear moment by moment. The question is: Why is this happening FOR me?
Why is this happening for me? This week when I was called to ask myself that question the answer was to remember the value of coming together because we believe and value the same mission. It is with that answer that I am reminded that all work is spiritual work. When we come together, and put personality and real differences aside, yet coalesce to acheieve a goal, our spirit has been strengthed no matter the outcome or the pain to get there. That is why I said you will meet with success. Any time you strengthen your spirit, no matter the outcome, you have succeed.
The other thing I always notice when I am presented with a spirit strengthening opportunity is that the one variable that is always there is me, myself and I.
At the end of the day, I am the artist who paints the color of my sky…and so are you. Happy painting.
Loved this! The comment you made about all work being spiritual work is exceedingly timely, and for that matter, extremely accurate. Good article, good reminder to all who read this page.