Perception is everything and my perception is Thanksgiving came too fast in 2018! As a person who knows that being grateful is a 365/24/7 activity, I am having a hard time being grateful Thanksgiving Day is less than 48 hours away!
So what’s a girl to do?
Stop, drop the drama, make a list of things to be grateful for, and enjoy the travel and gathering that has been planned for months. Here are some of the things from my list:
- I am grateful I had to regroup this morning and write an unexpected script for a national podcast.
- I am grateful I got in 3/4 of my normal 5 miles instead of passing it us all together.
- I am grateful for all the opportunities the last 60 days have presented me with from launching a new website — complete with new logo and photos — to conference presentations, national guest blog and podcast spots to a public Outburst surrounded by friends and loved ones.
Sure there were sudden family accidents, friends who lost everything in fires, loved ones facing life-threatening illnesses and operations.
But here is my perspective. Through it all — the good and the really terrible — there was love, there was support, there was a chance to change my perspective, and a choice to start again. For that simple choice, and so much more that did not make it on to my list, I am thankful.
So if time seems to be going too fast for you. Stop. Drop the drama. Make a list of things to be grateful for. Most of all, enjoy your Thanksgiving gathering and remember to see the love.