I have a fun habit of reducing a date to its numerological number. The way it works is you take a date: 04-13-2012 and you add the numbers individually: 4+1+3+2+0+1+2 = 13, 1+3 + 4. Today I noticed that the number was 13, 4 – on 4/13….I’ve been doing this a long time and just don’t remember having that happen. Just so you know, I love Friday the 13th. Never got why people did not like it.
So with my positive feelings toward Friday the 13th packed safely in my mind, off to a client meeting I go. After the meeting, I went to run an errand at a jewelry store. I was having a little cluster of diamonds from the first ring that my husband gave me set into a band. The jeweler looks at all the tiny stones and gives me an estimate of $1,300 — which I don’t even notice and we continue talking. By the way there were 17 not 13 little stones.
As the jeweler writes up the slip he says, “So how is your Friday the 13thgoing?” I tell him how much I love them, and how much I like black cats, etc. I just never had a negative feeling about Friday the 13th. He then tells me that he had told his son this morning that this was a happy day for him since his grandfather had been born on Friday, April 13, 1900. I came home to check if he was correct…and he was…April 13 in 1900 was a Friday!
Moment by moment the mystery unfolds…our role is to notice the connections, not make superstitions of our natural connection.