You Have Changed My Life

This week I received an email from a former client with the subject:  You Have Changed My Life.  Clearly, the writer (President of OutGrowthConsulting) had my attention.  What I did not expect was that he would answer the question that is always asked by potential clients.  The question usually is some form of, “how do you measure results?”  My answer is always the same:  “I don’t.  Only you can.”

I can promise to provided you with the latest research in the science of well-being, self-motivation, goal setting and life and business success.  I can promise to provide  proven techniques to expand your awareness of your natural strengths and potential self-developed challenges to your success.  I cannot promise that you will do the work or stay with it long enough to embrace the shifts you need to embrace to live your life differently.

So in the end, I do not change anyone’s life.  Some people just choose to change for their own greater success.  You see, the best gift of all was knowing that by making a shift, Lou did not waste his time on unnecessary emotional stress.  He left his brain free to think of ways to grow his business, create new strategies for his clients to Know, Grow and Go, and have more time invested in the positive side of life than in the negative.

When I finished reading his email (which he has given me permission to share — along with his name!), I thought, “If a New Yorker can get it, anyone can get it.”  Thank you Lou Rubin for doing the work and sharing the results.

Hello A and Happy Friday,

As is usual in this town, a yellow cab in front of me plowed through a red light this morning. When I caught up to him a block later at the next red light he had rushed to get to I pulled aside his window and asked him, “Do you like driving a cab?”. “Not so much”, was his reply. “Yeah. It really sucks”, I said adding “Please try and be more careful about blowing through those red lights. It’s dangerous to you and the rest of us too.”  He said “Thanks buddy”. And I felt his genuine humanness.

So what does this have to do with you changing my life?

In the past I would have pulled up next to him and screamed some profanities about how he was creating a blight on civilization, etc.

Instead I was positive, empathetic and encouraging.

Will he blow through fewer red lights?

Only heaven knows.

Cheers to you,


Feel the spirit of the season
About the author

Andrea Goeglein is part organizational psychologist, part entrepreneur, and all about success—your success. She understands both the pressures you face and the dreams that inspire you. Andrea merges her experience as a business owner with her training in Positive Psychology to provide effective, efficient and challenging personal development products and services. She combines an emphasis on objective assessment with an approach that is always powered by your spirit and guided by your goals. Her professional development offerings are based in theory and backed by direct business knowledge.

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