You must Focus to Succeed and Heidi Grant Halvorson has developed some free, short assessments (magic word after a holiday spending binge on the first day back to business — free and short) to help you do both. If you started this new year with a list of intentions, a bucket list or some good old fashioned goals, I would suggest you stop and invest the time to take the assessments found on Heidi’s site. She is an incredible researcher, knows her stuff and offers very little fluff.
Are you driven to achieve your goals out of the desire to prevent loss? Or are you driven to achieve your goals because you want to promote new experiences? Where do you stand in the 9 known things successful people do?
By knowing this information before you put the effort toward your goals, you will save time and energy that can be better invested achieving your goals. We have interesting ways of stopping ourselves and unless we become aware of some new ways to look at ourselves, we risk the potential of repeating the same challenges that stopped our progress before.
You don’t have to be Einstein to know that is not a good way to start the new year.
Suggestion: Register for Ben Dean’s MentorCoach site. You will have access to great interviews with the best minds in all fields of positive psychology and science…and you will learn about upcoming classes to feed your learning urge through the year. I also have Heidi’s books on so I can drive around listening to stay motivated (but I warn you she is a researcher).