
benedictine academy

Complaining is Positive

Complaining is positive. I can wager that was a statement you never expected to see in one of my blogs. When a 17-year-old learns that complaining is the first sign that you are stopping YOURSELF from the actions you need to take to succeed, it is time for us to listen. Da’Naia is my newest...
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Delivering Happiness Pays it Forward – Again

The book, Delivering Happiness, by Zappo’s CEO, Tony Hsieh has ‘paid it forward’ in many ways. A business culture development book grounded in the research of Positive Psychology, has brought back the soul an inner city school’s culture on one coast and is seeding the resurrection of a city’s community soul on another. A few...
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Random Acts of Kindle Kindness Grows Dreams

During the month of August, I created Random Acts of KindleKindness.  The act entailed sending Kindle copies of Don’t Die with Your Song Unsung to friends, coworkers, clients, etc.  To seed the Acts, I gave the executive director of the Fredrick Douglas Family Foundation $10 and told him to send copies to 10 people he thought...
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