
customer service

Judgment Day – Attracting Perfect Customers

So it’s time for a bit of a confession. One of my greatest personal development challenges has been the releasing of judgment of myself and others. I could tell you that I was doomed from the start and that my Myers-Briggs ESTJ personality is all to blame, but anyone who understands that theory knows its...
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The M Resort — The Meaning of Service

The M Resort is the newest contribution to the casino resort scene in Las Vegas. I make it a rule to stay away from newly opened properties until things have settled down. I had been intrigued by an article written by In Business Tourism Insider Benjamin Spillman soon after the property opened extolling the exceptional...
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Target Stores Hits the Bullseye

It does not take being Dr. Success to know that the mark of a great company is its people, yet every so often I am dazzled by a customer service experience. When I am I need to pause and pay tribute to not only the person (whose name I do not know) who delivered the...
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