
Spiritual Economics

Success by the books

During a discussion with a colleague this morning, I found myself asking the question: Do you measure your self-worth by your net worth?  I noticed I have asked this question of several people this week.  That pattern in my work usually means I need to stop and ask myself that same question. I did not...
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The Power of Few Words

One of the most enjoyable keynote speeches I ever heard was designed around quotes that made a point about the speakers life.  The speaker was a trained actress so there was extra power in her delivery, yet I have always felt the very few words that constitute most quotes contain as much significance as an...
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Spiritual Economics Part 2

I don’t remember whole books as much as I remember quote and lines that stand out for me when I read them. What is interesting to me is that when I re-read a book new and different lines have meaning and some sentences I underlined were completely forgotten. Here are a few quotes from Spiritual...
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Spiritual Economics Part 1

I have a habit of reading ‘old’ books, meaning books that were published over 10 years ago. I often find – actually more than often – that the messages contained within the pages are as meaningful today as they were at the time of their original printing. On my list this month is Spiritual Economics...
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