Let me share a story of how one person handled a life-altering career layoff as an opportunity and created a whole new career.
John is a college educated accountant. He had invested his career energy in one major corporation in his hometown. He enjoyed his work and the company he got to work with. In the recession of the early 2000’s, John’s entire division was to be eliminated. He and his coworkers were devastated for all the normal reasons. Here is how John turned that devastation into manifestation.
After getting word of the pending layoff, John took stock of why he liked working with the company, what he had contributed, and what he felt he still had to contribute. He then wrote a letter to the CEO — who he had never met — and from whom he really did not expect a reply. Not only did the CEO reply, he invited John into the headquarter office. Once there, the CEO handed John a job description, and said he would return in a little bit.
During the CEO’s absence, John reviewed the three page job description, counted up the years of experience that would be needed to successfully do the job from the company’s view, and sank in his chair. If John was correct, he needed about 125 years of experience. John was not yet 40 years old. Then a thought came to him. He may not have the experience the job description said was required, but neither did anyone else. When the CEO returned he asked John if John thought he could do that job — the CEO did not ask if John had the experience — and John said yes! Over the next few months the company figured out a way to put John in that new position. The company saved its long-time investment in a terrific employee. The employee took an action none of his other coworkers even thought of, and continued his long-term employment.
Epilogue: John successfully performed in the new position for over 5 years. Then, as a result of the work he was doing, another, better opportunity presented itself. Today, he is a highly sought after consultant in a field that he never thought to enter. Another part of the epilogue is that many of John’s former co-workers were angry at John. Strange, instead of using their energy to follow a successful alternative action, they used their energy to get angry. When the opportunity presents itself, please learn from the productive examples.
What opportunities are you missing today? What career stumbling blocks can you turn into stepping stones?
I am thankful for all the lives that enter my story and create the opportunity for me to share.
Thank you, Andrea