Hummingbirds at Rest

by Andrea Goeglein

Do you know how often a hummingbird rests?  A lot more, and a lot deeper, than you might have thought.  It seems hummingbirds know instinctively what humans have to learn: rest and sleep allow for the highest level and quality of engagement in life.

You may have noticed I have not written a blog in several weeks. Or, if I am being honest, I wanted to write, “I hope you noticed I have not written a blog in several weeks.”

My blog writing absence was unintentional.  However, next year it will be very intentional.  I am tired of making excuses because I am unable to achieve my goal of twice weekly blogs.  I have surrendered to thinking I can write blogs during the holiday season. Next year, as part of my business plan and achievement plan, I will be on a blog hiatus November 20 through January 2.

That is what it means to be Your Success Sherpa.  That is what the Don’t Die Principle, teach what you need to learn, looks like when I am showing you the way.

During this last week of the year, be a hummingbird at rest.  Go into a hibernation-like state, drop your heart rate, conserve your energy.  For hummingbirds this state is called Torpor.  For humans, it is called meditation, reflection and sleep!

Dr. Success Challenge:  For the five days expand, or create, your 20-minute reflection practice each day.   During that same period, make note of your optimal sleep needs.

Thank you John Kador for posting that you rarely see ‘hummingbirds at rest’.  Your comment stuck with me and seeded this post.  Thank you to all my regular readers.  I think of you each time I create a post.  I am always thinking, “what did I learn, what do I need to teach, what did I have to learn again?”.

There is one hummingbird fact from the linked list that particularly struck me.  I have made note of it.  The first reader to correctly writes the ‘fact’ in the comment section of this blog will receive an autographed copy of my latest book, Don’t Die Waiting to Be Brave.

With deep appreciation for all you helped me re-learn in 2015.  May 2016 be your bravest year of all!  Andrea

PS  If during your rest you are inspired to write, think about submitting a story for LivingTheSpirit.Today   What better way to start a New Year than with sharing your brave story.


Feel the spirit of the season
About the author

Andrea Goeglein is part organizational psychologist, part entrepreneur, and all about success—your success. She understands both the pressures you face and the dreams that inspire you. Andrea merges her experience as a business owner with her training in Positive Psychology to provide effective, efficient and challenging personal development products and services. She combines an emphasis on objective assessment with an approach that is always powered by your spirit and guided by your goals. Her professional development offerings are based in theory and backed by direct business knowledge.

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