
new york

You Have Changed My Life

This week I received an email from a former client with the subject:  You Have Changed My Life.  Clearly, the writer (President of OutGrowthConsulting) had my attention.  What I did not expect was that he would answer the question that is always asked by potential clients.  The question usually is some form of, “how do you...
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Blue Note and Gary Russo

How is this for an incredible endorsement of Gary Russo’s singing and entertainment power?  This came from the of the famed Blue Note Jazz Club in New York City. “Over the years, the Blue Note has given a shot to a number of artists.  Though only a select few like Michael Buble have become household...
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Whale Done Parenting

Dr. Success Challenge: Pick one positive habit you would like to develop and set a plan to develop it. Easy for me to type, difficult for us all to do. So here is the real challenge. Invest some time thinking back on occasions when you developed a new positive habit in your life. Think about...
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