

The Real Social Dilemma

As much as I like writing about passion and paychecks, I believe there is a real social dilemma we are not speaking about.  Knowing I view all questions through the lens of positive psychology, and the belief that all human problems have human solutions, let me know if you know the answer (or a good...
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Dawn Sutherland

Paycheck or Passion: Is There a Generational Divide?

Paycheck or Passion is such a fun topic for me.  I have written and spoken about the elusive paycheck, passion, and happiness debate many times over the years.  Currently, I am having fun watching how different generations are embracing the issue with newfound post-pandemic fervor. Imagine this.  You are a parent.  Your twenty-one-year-old child advises...
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Passion for Success

Long before I developed a passion for success, I had a passion to make a great income and create personal wealth.  Many in my profession would not say that out loud because  the success cliche of the last few decades has been, “Do what you love and the money will come.”  Heck, it is a...
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Passion for scratching an itch

“If you have an itch to do something, scratch it!  You may find your next passion.” The words above are my paraphrasing of a power talk delivered by Bobby Williams, a successful retired business owner who is devoting is seventh decade to developing a deep spiritual nature — and sharing it. As an Applied Positive...
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