
Delivering Happiness

Learning, Comedy and Happiness

Lifetime learning enhances happiness (feelings of well-being) and watching comedy clips can enhance test scores. Seems like a win, win, win. A one minute reminder to enhance your learning. https://www.servingsuccess.com/audio/30/mp And scientific proof watching comedy enhances your test scores. http://deliveringhappinessatwork.com/happiness-increased-productivity-says-research/
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Unexpected Gifts

When I created the Random Acts of Kindle Kindness to celebrate the one year anniversary of the events that became Don’t Die with Your Song Unsung, I had some strategic goals for the book and the campaign. I did not achieve those goals. Instead, the campaign is achieving goals I could never have planned to achieve —...
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Happiness Delivered

I have invested a lot of energy spreading the word of how to apply the findings in positive psychology – specifically the science of optimism and happiness – to daily life and business success. On Wednesday, October 20, 2010 I will be presenting a book on the morning show AM Arizona that recounts the story...
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