The Science Behind the Smile – Harvard Business Review The simplest of actions. The greatest of impacts. What more could you ask? Right behind my dislike for the word Pollyanna when someone is attempting to rebuff the impact of Positive Psychology, is the apparent need mock the impact smiling can have on mood elevation. Again,...Read More
Sheryl Sandberg: Why we have too few women leaders Video on It is hard not to be following Sherly Sandberg, the COO of Facebook, given the pending IPO. I have been researching her since reading an article in the NY Times last week. Very gracious woman. Very sound advice. And I like that I...Read More
The History of Happiness – Harvard Business Review When my January-February 2012 issue of HBR arrived, I was delighted. Once again this prestigious resource had put together a current and comprehensive group of articles on a topic near and dear to my heart — and the heart of my life work. Over the next few...Read More
Today begins the year of the Dragon in the Chinese tradition. This photo to the left was taken by Stew Gibbons today. Dr. Success Challenge: Look at the photo for about a minute. Then answer the following question: If I was brave, I would take action toward ____________ in 2012.Happy Year of the Dragon. Thank...Read More
Twelve days into to 2012 the question is: Are you ready YET to sing your own song? Listen to a conversation I had with Dr. Marilee Adams founder of the Inquiry Institute. Dr. Adams book, Change Your Questions, Change Your Life has sold almost 100,000 copies and a must read recommendation for anyone wanting a...Read More
Last week on a radio interview with Amy Ayoub on her show Moving People to Action, I made the following statement: “It is better to take action than take no action.” Today during my morning reflection time, I realized there is a major caveat I must mention about my belief in taking action. That caveat...Read More
One day down. 364 days left in 2012 (or 354 if you are Mayan). I decided to ask myself one question each morning, each day of 2012: How would I live each day of 2012 if I really believed 12/21/12 was the end of the world? Would I worry about the past, or find joy...Read More
Like everyone in business I am doing a year-end evaluation. Like many, the numbers are not adding in the right direction. Twice as much work. Half as much revenue. Then I got an email that read: Song Unsung has been sitting on my desk since I got it. I read a couple of pages and...Read More
Although I have not been writing often since the launch of my newest book, I have written a bit about making lists and using this time of year when we ‘make lists and check them twice’ to also makes lists that will aid in your personal growth. Today I am writing about another kind of...Read More