

Questions Hold All Answers

By Andrea Goeglein, PhD “If you have to ask the question, you already know the answer.” I asked a business attorney a question and the statement above was the answer.  That answer is the best advice I have ever received.  Ever. The Why Why?  Because every time I seem to be struggling with something, thinking...
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Being Ready

Dr. Success Challenge:  Would you be ready to step into an opportunity to advance your life dream at any moment?  Regardless of your answer, how do you know if you are ready? It has been almost two months since I met Vaopele Tiatia, a graphic designer living in Utah, but from Hawaii.  Vao was seated...
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The Work of the Ego

Being given a copy of Desideratra and learning that the author, Max Ehrmann (1872-1945) was generally unknown for this beautiful piece of work during his lifetime, has allowed me to consider the concept of the ego – and specifically, my ego.  During the last week, I was approached by a woman named Nancy.  Nancy had...
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