The Business of Flourishing Part 2 – The Strength of Goals and Meaning
Saturday, August 18, 2018
- When you get to your business or job in the morning, do you wonder is it really worth my time?
- Do you question if how you are spending your days matters to anyone – especially yourself?
- Do you want to learn how to turn every day into a day of meaning, no matter what your goals are?
The Business of Flourishing: The Strength of Goals and Meaning is a comprehensive, four-part applied learning experience, divided into separate, interconnected but independent, learning blocks grounded in the science of positive psychology and human flourishing.
“I attended Andrea’s recent seminar The Business of Flourishing. The event was helpful in allowing me to define my strengths and to contemplate how to use these strengths in my daily business and personal activities. Andrea provided a great speaker and the seminar was very thought-provoking.”
Anne Wayman, Kaercher Insurance

Your next opportunity to flourish is on Saturday, August 18, 2018.
The Strength of Goals and Meaning
- Explore what excuses are holding you back.
- Meet and learn from a local business owner, Michael Graves, CEO Las Vegas Valley Community Management, as he shares his many career shifts and shakes.
- Focus on the 3 F’s of Success: Achievement made simple
- Declare your current goals and develop an action plan
- Learn how the positive emotions of Amusement and Pride can guide your meaning.
Presenter: Andrea Goeglein, Ph.D.
The Business of Flourishing, Part II: The Strength of Your Goals
Date and Time: 10:00 am – 3:30, Saturday, August 18, 2018
Investment: $250 per session
For more information about The Business of Flourishing series: contact Andrea.
Location: Stillpoint Center for Spiritual Development
To register: Contact Stillpoint at 702-243-4040.
Prerequisite to start your Flourishing:
Part I Completion of the short, three-part video series, The Habit.
Parts II-IV Completion and intention to apply of The Habit on a daily basis.
Parts II-IV Completion of the VIA so you know your natural strengths which will be used to build your various action plans. Here is the Link to the VIA to get you started.
Each segment of The Habit is 8-9 minutes in duration:
Begin a reflective practice if do not already have one.
Sample day-long program:
- Confidential sharing of current objectives
- Positive Emotion Learning Block
- PREMA (aspects of Flourishing) Learning Block
- A series of guided exercises that lead to a composite understanding of how to use your well-being as the foundation of your success.
- Invigorating and inspiring discussions focused on practical ways to apply the learnings to your current objectives.
Reading List
The following is a sampling of the various texts used in the course:
Flourishing, Martin E. Seligman
Positivity, Barbara L. Fredrickson
The How of Happiness, Sonja Lyubomirsky
Before Happiness, Shawn Achor
NeuroWisdom, Mark Waldman and Chris Manning
The Little Book of Gratitude, Robert Emmons
Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation, Sharon Salzberg
Money Master the Game, Tony Robbins
Unshakeable, Tony Robbins
The Law of Divine Compensation, Marianne Williamson
And of course: Don’t Die with your Song Unsung and Don’t Die Waiting to Be Brave, Andrea T. Goeglein