
andrea goeglein

I Am Not Waiting

by Andrea Goeglein I have decided waiting is for sissies and I am no sissy! In 2012 I took a class from MentorCoach entitled Big Sky Thinking.  In that class we used a book, WishCraft by Barbara Sher.  I like the book so much, I continue to use it with almost all my new clients....
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Complaining is Positive

Complaining is positive. I can wager that was a statement you never expected to see in one of my blogs. When a 17-year-old learns that complaining is the first sign that you are stopping YOURSELF from the actions you need to take to succeed, it is time for us to listen. Da’Naia is my newest...
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VIA Survey


The season, and today, December 25, has become about gifts. No judgement, just stating the obvious.  In the US  generally the “holiday season” has become about buying, giving and getting gifts. Dr. Success Christmas Challenge:   Discover your top 5 strengths — your natural gifts — and design your days so that you are able to...
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Gratitude and Appreciation

Developing the human characteristic of gratitude is central to well-being and happiness. It is only fitting that the first post of my redesigned www.ServingSuccess.com site is one expressing gratitude to Debbie Mahony of www.DesignSpinner.com Debbie, you worked tirelessly since late October to design a site that represents me and my work.  I think it is...
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go with the flow

Going with the flow

You may have noticed, I have not been posting much.  My computer — and all my files — are at the HP hospital.  Of course I have access to my files through Carbonite, but I decided to take a break. I am in the process of having a new website designed for ServingSuccess and Don’t...
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Do you need to hire a slapper?

Have trouble achieving your goals in life? Having trouble achieving the level of success you desire? Not as productive as you wish?  This short piece from NPR yesterday put a smile on my face for the rest of the day. It is an interview under 2 minutes.  I don’t want to give away the story.  Trust me,...
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Happiness Questioned Part 3

This is the third question in the series provided by Robert Biswar-Diener.  Have you been writing out answers to each of the questions? 3.  With whom do you share responsibility for your own happiness? It is easy to get lulled into a sense that happiness is an individual pursuit. Nothing could be further from the...
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Happines Questioned Part 2

2.     How much unhappiness should I have? Feelings of sadness, guilt, and anger act like radar, scanning and providing information about the quality of our lives. Negative feelings can signal that problems are occurring and that action must be taken to change courses. It wouldn’t be sensible to try to eliminate negative feelings entirely. How...
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Happiness Questioned Part 1

In a continuing effort to support the high integrity of Positive Psychology, my next three posts will be republished questions from the renowned author, researcher and scholar Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener.  Look below for information about his newest class starting on October 29.  Have you ever questioned happiness? Twice a year I meet with Project Plus,...
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Is the promotion of happiness making us sad?

By Brock Bastian, University of Queensland Western culture places an extraordinary emphasis on happiness – and continuous happiness – as the goal each of us should strive for in our lives. But we’re increasingly realising this goal may actually be making us unhappy. Television advertising shows people becoming happier with every new acquisition, alongside national...
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