

If You’re Happy

by Andrea Goeglein “If You’re Happy Eat a Snack” will go down as my most favorite commercial in a long time.  Weight Watcher’s has correctly portrayed how innocently a habit can be formed.  Sometimes the innocent (like having a cake on your birthday) habit enhances your health and well-being, sometimes it does not. Just sit...
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Twitter Yourself Into The Now

A few weeks ago a wrote an blog twittering about twitter and how we serious, success minded adults need not preoccupy ourselves with adolesence type behavior. This morning I am having some crow for breakfast. Care to join me! They don’t call me Dr. Success for nothing! I do persevere even when I can’t figure...
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Why Personal Development is So Difficult – Aside from the Fact that We Are Human

Probably the biggest roadblock to our personal development is simply habit. Human beings are creatures of habit. Our brains are literally designed to seek routine – even if that routine is detrimental to us. A habit is anything we do so often that it becomes almost an involuntary process. To our brain, there are no...
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