
thank you

The Hidden Gift of the Gratitude Exercise – Part 1

As 2010 comes to a close, I decided to republish a blog about closure, letter writing and most of all gratitude for those we love in our lives.  Enjoy this day, and every day.  Remember to remember:  this moment is the only one you really have, may you use it to be love, see love,...
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I Am Enough

So much of adult life is focused on what has to happen next in order for some goal to be achieved. From the mundane of brushing your teeth to the sublime of creating and sustaining happiness and success, we are schooled in setting goals, making lists, and taking steps to achieve our goals. What would...
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Spiritual Economics Part 2

I don’t remember whole books as much as I remember quote and lines that stand out for me when I read them. What is interesting to me is that when I re-read a book new and different lines have meaning and some sentences I underlined were completely forgotten. Here are a few quotes from Spiritual...
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Child’s Play Part 2

This week I posted a copyrighted photo by New York City designer Roxane W. Isbey, Jr.  I asked you some questions to get your creative juices flowing and to reconnect with your natural sensing which may have gone dormant during your development from childhood into adulthood.  Since children usually get o play every day —...
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Child’s Play Part 1

In the forward of the book, Extrodinary Knowing, the reknowned human development pychologist Carol Gilligan wrote, “Knowing through connectedness–the word that would join us, bridging lisby’s work and mine.  It is how children know.  And then, when connectedness is shattered or discounted or overridden, they come not to know.” Dr. Success Challenge:  Begin reconnecting to...
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