
DISC Profile

Seeds, Gardening, and Transformation

I received an email today from my first teacher in the behavioral sciences, Pamela Cole. At the end there was this quote, “Let us be grateful for the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” Marcel Proust Seeds, gardening, planting and transformation have been a part of...
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How Consistent is the DiSC Profile? Part 1

I like unexpected surprises especially when they are happy and remind me of something from my past that I had long forgotten. During a discussion about horoscopes – yes, horoscopes – and when I was first exposed to them, how valid I found them and such, I got up and went to a file cabinet...
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Darkness and Growth

What grows in darkness? I was deep in a conversation about how to use the DiSC profile to increase self-awareness and harness ways to communicate when my colleague asked, “What about the shadow side?” Of course, I responded, “What about it?” Dr. Success Motto: You can spend time exploring your shadow, or you can continually...
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Natural Behaviors Part 2 of 3

This post continues a theme started by reading Seth Godin’s blog about jerks and doormats. Being considered a “jerk” may be the opportunity we all share regardless of our natural behavioral style. Yet feeling like a doormat or being referred to as a “doormat”, I will argue, is something only some behaviors experience. Commercial: The...
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Natural Behavior Part 1 of 3

I always pay attention to what I am asked to explain, or topics that keep reoccurring in client and friend conversations, or behaviors or thoughts that pop up in me that cause me to pause and take notice. Today I read a line from Seth Godin’s about jerks and doormats at work and I knew...
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What Do You Value?

Dr. Success challenge: Review your checkbook and your calendar. What does how you spend your money and where you spend your time say about what you value in your life? Is the picture accurate? I have been working with the following questions this week: What do you value? Where do you put your priorities? Within...
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Shaping Fear or Shaping the Future?

Are you shaping fear or shaping your future? Dr. Success™ Challenge: At the beginning of each day, for the next 7 days, answer the following question: If I believed I was here to shape the future, what actions would I take today? I might not have a constructive contribution to make regarding the debate about...
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Practicing The Power Of Now

Appreciate (v): to judge with heightened perception or understanding. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary Success Challenge: Observe things you take for granted. A warm cup of coffee when you get to the office, your computer operating as it was intended, the phone working or the person who hands you your ticket at the train station. What...
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Resilience is a Noun. To Prosper is a Verb. Get Moving.

Author Thomas Friedman cautions that the world is getting hot, flat and crowded in his current book of the same title, and I postulate that the answer is to love, to learn and to prosper. They don’t call me Dr. Success for nothing, so let me be direct. Being resilient and developing your resilience is...
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Making The Legal System More Efficient

There are two things that are cornerstones to my work as Dr. Success: 1. Effective and efficient use of language to keep you self-motivated. 2. Expending the least amount of life energy for the greatest amount of result. Being both an entrepreneur and organizational psychologist, I get to study theory and put it into practice....
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