

Practice, Practice, Practice

If you want to build muscle, you must do physical exercise. If you want to be healthy, you must eat a balanced diet. If you want to enjoy your retirement, you must save so your money will be there when you retire. Okay, scratch that one, some facts are momentary fictions! But…. I don’t mean,...
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Twitter Yourself Into The Now

A few weeks ago a wrote an blog twittering about twitter and how we serious, success minded adults need not preoccupy ourselves with adolesence type behavior. This morning I am having some crow for breakfast. Care to join me! They don’t call me Dr. Success for nothing! I do persevere even when I can’t figure...
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Does the Word “Spiritual” Make You Uptight?

Would you be willing to explore spirituality if I told you it would make you more resilient? There is one question that I have been asked more in the last several months than at any other time in my business career. The question is: “How do you survive this economy?” I know at some level...
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Why Personal Development is So Difficult – Aside from the Fact that We Are Human

Probably the biggest roadblock to our personal development is simply habit. Human beings are creatures of habit. Our brains are literally designed to seek routine – even if that routine is detrimental to us. A habit is anything we do so often that it becomes almost an involuntary process. To our brain, there are no...
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An Hour to Live an Hour to Love

An Hour to Live, An Hour to Love

You may or may not know the name Richard Carlson, but millions of people all over the world have read his, “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff,” books. Dr. Carlson was considered to be one of the foremost experts on happiness around the globe. As the author of thirty popular books, he used humor and every-day...
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