Okay so this may seem a bit strange. Each month I feature a book on AM Arizona which I feel represents some aspect of how to bring Positive Psychology alive in your life. This month I am really not recommending the book so much as what the book teaches. Positive Psychology at the Movies by...Read More
Appreciate (v): to judge with heightened perception or understanding. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary Success Challenge: Observe things you take for granted. A warm cup of coffee when you get to the office, your computer operating as it was intended, the phone working or the person who hands you your ticket at the train station. What...Read More
Rarely does a week go by that someone does not say to me, “How do you stay so positive?” or “How can you be so resilient?” In the confusion of losing our savings, our investment in a business, and the business itself, I did not initially realize that they were not asking a rhetorical question...Read More
I would not be Dr. Success if I did not support and spread the work of others. That is what I do, in part, in sharing the work of great authors. Well, today’s entry is two for the price of one. The review that follows was written by Craig Galati, President of Lucchesi Galati Architects,...Read More
To Twitter or Not To Twitter, That seems to be the big question! Here is a Dr. Success suggestion for judging whether or not you should use Twitter, or any of the other untold number of social networking tools available. This suggestion comes in the form of rules I use to judge my participation: 1)...Read More
Even Dr. Success™ needs a boost and is in the process of creating her next great Encore to Success. Lucky for me, no place personifies the concept “fake it till you make it”, like Las Vegas. Las Vegas is famous for holding out the promise of a better day and that anything good is possible....Read More
Well, it’s that time of the year again. The days are shorter, and the to-do lists are longer. There are gifts to buy, decorations to hang, festivities to attend (and host), as well as all the normal things that come with the year’s end, like wrapping up financial decisions along with all the gifts (especially...Read More
So how much time each day, week, month, year, do you spend tending to your spiritual, physical and psychological well-being? Given the time of the year, this may appear a loaded question, yet there is no better time to examine where you put yourself on your list of things to do. This time of year...Read More
There are many different indicators in today’s world demonstrating that humanity has reached a new level of awareness and appreciation for its own existence. If we look at the shifts in the types of occupations being pursued (and sought after), the abundance of life coaches and personal development mentors is like a mirror held up...Read More
The people of the United States are about to elect a new President. Who that will be may feel to you like a new beginning, or perhaps the beginning of the end! Like all things in our lives, the story you tell about everything, from the impact of the new president, to the economy, to...Read More