

Stumbling on Happiness

Oh, it’s that old awareness and perspective thing coming back to haunt us all again. So you want to have kids, yah? Parents beware for what you wish! Harvard researcher, Dr. Daniel Gilbert’s research shows that ‘people with young children living with them are the least happy of all.’ How is that for a Monday...
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Seeds, Gardening, and Transformation

I received an email today from my first teacher in the behavioral sciences, Pamela Cole. At the end there was this quote, “Let us be grateful for the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” Marcel Proust Seeds, gardening, planting and transformation have been a part of...
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Transforming to Happiness

The work of transformation is not about the world getting more peaceful. The work of transformation is about YOU becoming more peaceful regardless of what happens in the world. Then there is the peace of knowing we are all human.  This is what that sounds like: Andrea: You have to describe that story without using shame,...
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Goals, Energy and Self Help Books

I once bought a book entitled Living Without Goals just because the title ticked me off so much. The thought of living without goals is so counter intuitive and so alien to me I actually bought the book just to prove the author was wrong. I bought that book 20 years ago. Today I write...
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Awareness – Part 1 Zillion

I ended my last post with the sentence… Her guidance during that time did not give me any comfort. I did not grasp that a situation could be terrible but I was still suppose to be doing it. Here is what I should have written: Her guidance during that time did not give me any...
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Bad is Stronger Than Good

I may have written about this research before, yet I find it comes into my daily conversations. I wanted to reiterate an important message in self-help, positive psychology, personal development — or whatever you choose to call the process of life transformation — and that message is this: No one, no process, no program can...
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Self-Help is not Self-ish

One of my favorite researchers has done it again. Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener renowned author of many books in the field of positive psychology published some great research on giving to charity and increased personal happiness. The link to the actual study can be found at: http://www.hbs.edu/research/pdf/11-038.pdf The research compared people in a rich and a...
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The Psyche of Your Home

One of the observational cliques that goes around psychology is that the condition of your physical home — how orderly things are, how well maintained and clear the environment is, if there are photos of friends and family, etc. represents the condition of your personal psyche.  One of my favorite Positive Psychology researchers and authors...
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Happiness Delivered

I have invested a lot of energy spreading the word of how to apply the findings in positive psychology – specifically the science of optimism and happiness – to daily life and business success. On Wednesday, October 20, 2010 I will be presenting a book on the morning show AM Arizona that recounts the story...
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What does Gratitude Feel Like?

Gratitude is a positive emotion usually referring to a state of thankfulness or being thankful.  The definition of thankful is “conscious of benefit received.”  But what does it FEEL like to be thankful?  That was the question posed in my morning reading. So I got, “I am thankful for a client order.”  “I am thankful...
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