
executive mentor

An Essay on Shifting Sands: A Guidebook for Crossing the Deserts of Change, by Steve Donahue

An Essay by Dr. Success (aka Andrea Goeglein, Ph.D.) As a society, we are trained from our earliest years to approach our lives like mountain climbers. From the time we enter school we are supposedly being taught what to pack for life’s journey. By our teens, we have often laid out a detailed map and...
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Making The Legal System More Efficient

There are two things that are cornerstones to my work as Dr. Success: 1. Effective and efficient use of language to keep you self-motivated. 2. Expending the least amount of life energy for the greatest amount of result. Being both an entrepreneur and organizational psychologist, I get to study theory and put it into practice....
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Self-Declared Spring Break

Being an entrepreneur during a recession has many negative implications. And being true to my title of Dr. Success, there is always a benefit to be found in every less than desirable life situation. A moment ago I posted the following away message on my business email: “I have decided to use the week of...
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Twitter Yourself Into The Now

A few weeks ago a wrote an blog twittering about twitter and how we serious, success minded adults need not preoccupy ourselves with adolesence type behavior. This morning I am having some crow for breakfast. Care to join me! They don’t call me Dr. Success for nothing! I do persevere even when I can’t figure...
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Does the Word “Spiritual” Make You Uptight?

Would you be willing to explore spirituality if I told you it would make you more resilient? There is one question that I have been asked more in the last several months than at any other time in my business career. The question is: “How do you survive this economy?” I know at some level...
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Positive Psychology Takes A Holiday – 5 Steps to for a December to Remember!

Well, it’s that time of the year again. The days are shorter, and the to-do lists are longer. There are gifts to buy, decorations to hang, festivities to attend (and host), as well as all the normal things that come with the year’s end, like wrapping up financial decisions along with all the gifts (especially...
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Personal Care: The Foundation of Personal Development

So how much time each day, week, month, year, do you spend tending to your spiritual, physical and psychological well-being? Given the time of the year, this may appear a loaded question, yet there is no better time to examine where you put yourself on your list of things to do. This time of year...
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Transformational Life Coaching – By Dr. Cherie Carter Scott, “The Mother of Coaching”

There are many different indicators in today’s world demonstrating that humanity has reached a new level of awareness and appreciation for its own existence. If we look at the shifts in the types of occupations being pursued (and sought after), the abundance of life coaches and personal development mentors is like a mirror held up...
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Using Your Positive Power to Build a Better Life – and Nation

The people of the United States are about to elect a new President. Who that will be may feel to you like a new beginning, or perhaps the beginning of the end! Like all things in our lives, the story you tell about everything, from the impact of the new president, to the economy, to...
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The Lwas of Lifetime Growth

Dr. Success on How to Create a Life Worth Living: The Laws of Lifetime Growth

  Do you ever hit those snags in life where you feel like you’ve stopped growing? Does life become so routine, so much hard work, that all you believe you can do is tread water? When it seems as though there is little room left to dream at the end of a long day of...
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